Bhakti in brief
Bhakti in English terms means devotion. It can be considered as Eros's kind of love which is without expectation. Life energy exists because of bhakti.
Every organism having living has a simple fundamental of survival. The reason for survival is as they love themselves. Some people may consider this trait as selfish, well I feel loving themselves is not sin. In nature, every organism exhibiting bhakti deemed to have life. Every organism who tries to save own self has life. The organism does this in various ways. Some by action (karma), by knowledge (Gyan) and sometimes by dominance (an expression of dharma). Trees deepen their root in search of water to preserve life, insect mimic, birds fly on danger, all various forms of adaptation to save their life. Ever thought organism without devotion for their life? Perhaps the computer is without life if taken as organisms.
Being a living entity it is hard to evaluate the unit of life cause one grain of life can generate a forest. Such is the power of life. Comparing the other basic fundamental of nature, life is understood as constant energy. According to the first law of motion, the energy of motion remains constant in an object that's why it performs uniform motion or velocity. A charge of an electron is the same as a proton. Thus the charge barrier remains constant for the balance. In the same way, bhakti is exhibited to keep life energy constant. This is a reason why an organism saves its life because the entity of life wants to remain constant. In FLM, an object keeps its motion and moves to keep energy constant thus in the same way organisms keep its life and lives to keep its energy constant. The same basic phenomenon in nature for every energy that persists. This energy makes organisms reproduce as old bodies are unable to stabilize this energy and thus the young ones endure it. Perhaps it considered that feeling in devotion to blood ones is a way of life energy transfer. And upon this, a hierarchy of bhakti is formed.
- Swayam Devo bhava - self (a half-life and shiv-shakti concept)
- Matru Devo bhava - Mother
- Pitru Devo bhava - father
- Mitra Devo bhava - friend
- Acharya Devo bhava - friend
- Atithi Devo bhava - guest i.e. All the rest
The hierarchy is inspired by Vedas and some parts are from the inspiration Akbar Birbal story. The hierarchy truly explains the devotional characteristics of biological life.
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